Giuseppa Rita Cirmi, Jésus Ildefonso Dîaz, Qualitative properties of solutions of some quasilinear equations related to Bingham fluids, Vol. 2023 (2023), Article ID 5, pp. 1-20

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DOI: 10.23952/cot.2023.5

Received July 21, 2022; Accepted October 21, 2022; Published February 4, 2023


Abstract. We consider a quasilinear parabolic equation and its associate stationary problem which correspond to a simplified formulation of a Bingham flow and we mainly study two qualitative properties. The first one concerns with the absence and, respectively, disappearance in finite time, of the movement. We show that there is a suitable balance between the L^1-norm of the forcing datum f_{\infty} and the measure of the spatial domain \Omega (essentially saying that the forcing daum must be small enough) such that the corresponding solution u_{\infty }(x) of the stationary problem is such that u_{\infty}\equiv 0 a.e. in \Omega (even if f_{\infty }\neq 0). Moreover, if f_{\infty } is also the forcing term of the parabolic problem, and if the above mentioned balance is strict, for any u_{0}\in L^{\infty }(\Omega ) there exists a finite time  T_{u_{0},f_{\infty }}>0 such that the unique solution u(t,x) of the parabolic problem globally stops after T_{u_{0},f_{\infty }}, in the sense that u(t,x)\equiv 0 a.e. in \Omega, for any t\geq T_{u_{0},f_{\infty }}. The second property concerns with the formation of a positively measure “solid region”. We show that if the above balance condition fails (i.e., when the forcing datum is large enough) then the solution u_{\infty }(x) of the stationary problem satisfies that u_{\infty }\neq 0 in \Omega and its “solid region” (defined as the set \mathcal{S(}u_{\infty })= \{x\in \Omega :\nabla u_{\infty }(x)=0\}) has a positive measure. Similar results are obtained for the symmetric solutions u(t) of the parabolic problem. In addition, the convergence u(t)\rightarrow u_{\infty } in H_{0}^{1}(\Omega ), as t\rightarrow +\infty, does not take place in any finite time.


How to Cite this Article:
G.R. Cirmi, J.I. Dîaz, Qualitative properties of solutions of some quasilinear equations related to Bingham fluids, Commun. Optim. Theory 2023 (2023) 5.