Saul C. Mpeshe, Livingstone S.Luboobi, Yaw Nkansah-Gyekye, Optimal control of rift valley fever under budget constraints, 2014 (2014), Article ID 7 (August 18 (2014))

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An SIR-type optimal control model of Rift Valley Fever under budget constraints have been established to evaluate the potential preference in applying intervention between infected livestock and humans. The results show that resources should be allocated first for interventions focusing on population with lower level of infected individuals which are humans and thereafter shift to population with high level of infected individuals which are the livestock. Therefore, the optimal solution is a switching strategy in which priority is given to population with less infected individuals before switching to population with more infected individuals.


How to Cite this Article:

Saul C. Mpeshe, Livingstone S.Luboobi, Yaw Nkansah-Gyekye, Optimal control of rift valley fever under budget constraints, Communications in Optimization Theory 2014 (2014), Article ID 7.