Ellina Grigorieva, Evgenii Khailov, Investigation of singular regimens in a controlled model of psoriasis treatment, Vol. 2022 (2022), Article ID 10, pp. 1-24

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DOI: 10.23952/cot.2022.10

Received May 16, 2022; Accepted Augsut 10, 2022; Published August 30, 2022


Abstract. In this paper, we survey some recent applications of the generic approach to selected optimization problems, such as minimization of convex functionals and stochastic feasibility problems. We also overview a few recent developments related to the residuality properties of certain classes of convex functions, the abundance of which is known to be crucial in many optimization algorithms for which the elements of a certain class can be used as good approximates of given convex functions.


How to Cite this Article:
E. Grigorieva, E. Khailov, Investigation of singular regimens in a controlled model of psoriasis treatment, Commun. Optim. Theory 2022 (2022) 10.