N.U. Ahmed, Optimal control of a class of semilinear systems on Banach spaces driven by vector measures and relaxed controls, Vol. 2022 (2022), Article ID 6, pp. 1-17

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DOI: 10.23952/cot.2022.6

Received January 8, 2022; Accepted June 27, 2022; Published July 18, 2022


Abstract. In this paper, we consider a class of semi linear systems on Banach spaces driven by relaxed controls (probability measure valued functions) and vector measures. We present existence of optimal control policies and develop necessary conditions of optimality whereby one can determine the optimal controls. Based on the necessary conditions of optimality, we present an algorithm including a proof of its convergence whereby the optimal policies can be constructed. Further, we consider non-convex control problems as special cases where the relaxed controls specialize to switching controls, generalizing the bang-bang principle.


How to Cite this Article:
N.U. Ahmed, Optimal control of a class of semilinear systems on Banach spaces driven by vector measures and relaxed controls, Commun. Optim. Theory 2022 (2022) 6.